Divine Reality

An all-encompassing and transcendent force that is the Source of all existence (Consciousness and its Contents).  It is the Ultimate Ground of being, love, compassion, awareness, and connection. It can be accessed through direct experience and is not limited to or defined by any specific belief system or religion. 

NOTE: Divine Reality, Source, Ultimate Ground, Consciousness and its Contents may all be used interchangeably and are considered synonymous terms.


We use this term as originally defined by the American classicist Carl Ruck: “substances that, when ingested in the appropriate context, tend to produce experiences of spiritual transcendence and mystical revelation.”  We take Entheogens to be inclusive of both organic (naturally occurring) and synthesized (human-engineered) substances.


Traditionally defined as an outward sign or ritual of an inner reality or truth. We use Sacrament to refer to the ritual act of consuming an entheogenic substance, creating the necessary conditions for an inner experience of truth or Divine Reality.


An entheogen or combination of entheogens used in a sacramental ceremony or journey crafted for use by EntheoWork to create desired state experiences. We use ‘Pharmakon’ to acknowledge the complexity and duality, of these substances.  ‘Pharmakon’ connotes the individual’s direct experience, rather than the particular entheogens’ cultural and historical lineages. We intend to convey a more nuanced and holistic understanding of psychedelics and plant medicines by distinguishing between these terms.


The intentional and ceremonial structures created for the sacramental use of entheogens as Pharmakon, inclusive of non-entheogenic community events to deepen the connection with Church members.  EntheoWork’s rituals are designed to facilitate reclaiming the sacredness of one’s work through the exploration of the spiritual dimensions of life and the cultivation of direct experiences with Divine Reality. 
